September 23, 2010

The Little Intimidators

Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr., that's right two juniors, is a duo from Detroit.  They are a must hear.  "Nothing But Our Love" was an immediate favorite when I heard it.  Their first release is an EP entitled Horse Power, which contains four solid tracks, one of which is a Beach Boys cover of "God Only Knows."  They have a good electronic, folky sound with some whimsical vocals, especially on "Vocal Chords."  Clearly these guys are serious about their music, but not too serious about life, as you can tell from their name and their hilaroious video for "Nothing But Our Love," which plays on the NASCAR theme.  Enjoy Horse Power EP as well as the video for "Nothing But Our Love."

Horse Power EP by Tills


  1. "dont fear the after-glow, these drugs wont leave me" love song thesis, right there. as easy as it sounds from them, you'd never have any trouble sharing the best of gifts.

  2. or is it "these drugs wont lead me on?" either way.
