March 30, 2011

Little Stars

A good follow up to Explosions in The Sky.  Stars released an EP, Sad Robots, a few years ago.  It's a good little album of 6 tracks. I enjoy it for its mellow mood, and more than usual electronic sound.  Only recently did this EP get my attention, when I heard "Going Going Gone (Live)." This is an older track of theirs, but a live recording.  "Going Going Gone" is one of my favorite stars songs, and surprisingly, the live version sounds better than the original.  Sad Robots isn't amazing stuff, but for Stars fans it is very enjoyable. For your listening pleasure, her is "Going Going Gone (Live)."

Stars - Going, Going, Gone (Live) (Sad Robots EP) by TILLS

1 comment:

  1. You should change the name from "songs of the moment" to "songs of a few weeks ago"...where you been??
